
The National Accreditation Agency (ENAC in Spanish) awarded Eurofins Megalab the accreditation 15189 in Spain regarding the SARS-CoV-2 nasal swab tests performed. This is an international recognition that is awarded after a strict evaluation process and it is maintained over time by undergoing monitoring audits.

This accreditation guarantees a laboratory’s excellence and quality. This is an additional guarantee of the stability and uniformity of the results of our activity.

Quality is a priority at Eurofins Megalab

Since its creation, Eurofins Megalab has worked on continuously seeking excellence and optimising efficiency in its daily activities. Thanks to this team effort, in 1997 we obtained the certificate UNE-EN ISO 9001.

In 2016 our laboratories were recognised with the UNE-EN ISO 14001 standard for the environment. This certificate acknowledges our commitment to improving and having less impact on nature, as we establish guidelines and protocols to reduce the impact on the environment (energy-efficient and less aggressive activities).

In 2019 we obtained UNE-EN ISO 45001 certification on Health and Safety at the Workplace. This certification proves the respect we have for the health and safety of our staff and our ongoing improvements towards optimising their working techniques and conditions.

Would you like to learn more about our quality policy and our certifications? Click here and find out.

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