
High-quality, reliable, fast response and easily accessible tests to detect SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), that meet each country’s regulation requirements, are essential to allowing millions of passengers to complete their business and tourism trips comfortably and safely. Eurofins Megalab has established in record time an ample network of around 500 centres for COVID-19 testing throughout Europe and it plans to have around 1,000 testing centres by the first half of July.

The Eurofins Megalab network of centres not only covers the main international airports and travel hubs, but they are also situated in a wide variety of locations such as supermarkets, shopping centres and residential areas, which improves proximity for customers and ease in testing.


Mobile sampling units

Eurofins Megalab has also established mobile sampling units to further increase service accessibility and proximity. Central and local governments as well as private companies have the option of using these mobile facilities to reduce the pressure on their own labs, health centres and hospitals, by quickly increasing sample-collection capacity. These mobile sample collection units can take up to 200 PCR samples a day. Eurofins has already implemented this service in Spain, Belgium, France and Germany.

To further support this service aimed at activating travel between European countries this summer, Eurofins has also created an intuitive website where travellers can make an appointment for COVID-19 tests, pay for them and access the results not only in their country of origin, but also at their destination. All of the Eurofins testing centres are listed on a single destination page, that identifies the location of the closest laboratories. This website is available in 12 languages and can be accessed through this link:

Eurofins Megalab undertakes to offer the best COVID-19 testing services for all travellers who are seeking a perfect, comfortable and safe travel experience. The company has also invested in providing its labs with better capacity and technology, seeking solutions that will guarantee a very fast delivery of results (same-day or just 24 hours after the sample is received in the lab for standard PCR tests). The wide variety of tests offered at the Eurofins Megalab central laboratory, the numerous testing centres that the Group has throughout Europe and the new sample collecting mobile infrastructures (all of which are perfectly certified by the various administrations) allow Eurofins to offer an easy and comprehensive service for international travellers in Europe and worldwide.


Possibility to book an appointment easily through an App or on the website

People who wish to take a test to travel safely can use the online system to purchase the tests, book an appointment and access the results (all can be done easily and sustainably from a mobile phone in order to avoid crowds and waiting times).  All of the information on the airport of interest can be found or an appointment can be booked on the TrustOne app, by calling 900 100 880 or on the website:

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