
In recent years the demand for non-invasive prenatal tests have increased in Spain. This is mainly due to women’s concern to find out whether the foetus has any physical or genetic disorders.

This test is very beneficial during pregnancy because it can provide important information at no risk to the mother or the child. Therefore, we should not dwell so much on the price, rather on the value it has for the pregnancy.


A completely safe test for mother and baby

The most important benefit of non-invasive prenatal tests is that it they only require a blood sample from the mother.


Detection rate 99%

In just 5-7 business days the results of the analysis will be in. These tests also have a detection rate of up to 99%, in other words, their reliability is quite high.


The test analyses chromosome disorders in the baby

From week 10 of pregnancy, the blood test provides information that is very necessary regarding the baby’s health. It especially helps us to find out if the baby has the most common forms of trisomy (13, 21, 18).

It also helps to discover the baby’s sex, the sex chromosome aneuploidies and whether it has the Di George Syndrome.


The advanced non-invasive prenatal test is the most requested test

Eurofins Megalab offers three types of non-invasive prenatal tests: trisomy 21, Medium and Advanced. The Advanced non-invasive prenatal test is the one most requested by parents during pregnancy, which shows their concern for finding out everything pertaining to the baby’s development and health.

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