
Whether you are a professional or an amateur, sports is an important part of our daily life. The clinical analyses that are recommended for athletes currently show such positive data that they are not only recommended for elite athletes, but also for anyone who practises a sport regularly as a hobby or to care for their body.

The results allow for improved performance when practising sports, and they provide important information that helps in the diagnosis of injuries or illnesses.

What is assessed in the tests for athletes?

If you exercise regularly, it is essential that you have routine urine and blood tests to see how healthy your body is and to analyse:

  • Your adaptation to the training sessions
  • General health condition

A simple blood and urine sample, subjected to various processes for evaluation, will reveal information on our body’s condition. A clinical analysis laboratory can offer the following tests:

  • Inflammatory activity tests: PCR, ESR
  • Glucide metabolism: glucose
  • Lipid metabolism: triglycerides and cholesterol
  • Muscle tests: LDH, CPK
  • Protein metabolism: Total proteins, albumin
  • Liver tests: GOT, GGT, GPT, alkaline phosphatase
  • Blood tests: haemogram

How is the check-up for athletes performed?

At Eurofins Megalab we inform the patients that the blood tests must be taken while fasting, and the training and dinner the day before should be light.

When should these clinical analyses be done?

If you are an elite athlete, at least two tests should be done per year, and the recommended times are:

  • At the beginning of the training season
  • After a period of rest the general health condition is assessed
  • At the beginning of the competition season, to see if we have recovered and we are at our optimal health
  • If any symptoms appear, such as:
    • muscle fragility
    • dizziness
    • weight loss
    • fatigue
    • sport performance

Who can have this test?

A sports analysis is recommended for professional athletes and for those who practise sports regularly or who have begun to practise some type of physical activity.

Other tests recommended for athletes

In addition to those already mentioned, it is recommended that athletes have regular urine and blood tests. These tests evaluate a series of characteristics in order to diagnose problems that may arise as a result of practising sports.

Clinical analyses are essential for any athlete, not only for elite athletes, as they provide detailed information on the athlete’s performance and their physical condition.

This data can prevent physical ailments such as injuries or other more serious problems related to the sport that we practise.

These results will tell you whether the sport you are practising is advisable or not and whether you should change to a different sport that is better suited to your organism.

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